Thursday, December 3, 2009

There should be a law

Every great once in a while I am thrilled and almost inspired by something I run across in the news, and since it happens so rarely, it would be irresponsible to not share. On Tuesday morning I read an article about a man in Sacramento who is collecting signatures for a petition that would give Californians the opportunity to outlaw divorce in the state. One of the best parts of the story is that the guy collecting signatures is married to a woman with whom he has two children. He selected an opposite marriage! And he’s employed! He’s not some jaded, middle-aged fag like me. I say that in jest, but only sort of. You’d expect someone like me to gather signatures for such a cause, but the inclusion of a straight – presumably – married guy in the mix changes the story in a way I think has potential. I’m no political strategist, but I think we should be doing more of this type of thing. If the citizenry wants to protect marriage, hell, let’s go full-tilt boogie and criminalize divorce, a lethal cultural cancer that claims the lives of nearly half of all legal male-female unions in the country. As civic-minded homos, paying lip service to the importance of marriage only goes so far, and I think the time has come for us to do something truly supportive by lending our support to the crusade against divorce. I am excited already, just thinking about what we could accomplish in Oregon, where we are in love with the initiative process. The only strange thing about the story was that most of the gay news blogs I read didn’t even mention it, but that’s okay, because it was in the “Today’s Picks” section on MSN, which is visited by many, many more readers.