Thursday, January 28, 2010

He should focus on jobs

Math is not my strong suit and it never has been. From the moment I was told that if you multiply two negatives you end up with a positive I was hopelessly lost, and have been ever since. So here’s a question about numbers, a confession, if you will, of statistical ignorance. Obama really screwed everything up by focusing on healthcare reform rather than focusing on getting the economy back up on its feet by waving his magic wand and creating millions of jobs to replace the ones we’ve lost – given away, in my opinion, for the sake of a cheap and easy increase in “shareholder value.” Here’s where I get lost with the math. If healthcare comprises a portion of our overall economy that is growing by the day, wouldn’t reforming the system that’s the foundation of this mega industry be, in fact, a way of creating and stabilizing a considerable number of jobs?